The 4 Most Used Programming Languages


Nowadays, software developers are in high demand. This makes good developers are hard to find, yet they have the luxury of choosing from more than one job offer. So, what makes a ‘good developer’? A good developer should at least know some of the following skills. If you wish to become a good web developer, make sure you have mastered below skills.

  1. C#

C# is designed to be relatively easy and straightforward which makes it incredibly popular among developers and employers alike. C# is primarily used to develop web, mobile and enterprise applications while supporting imperative, functional and object-oriented paradigms.

Above all, there are two reasons why C# developers are terribly needed. First, it is because of its flexibility and usability. Second, it is firstly developed by Microsoft to build apps on the Microsoft platform.  So, it surely will fit in most common Microsoft IT infrastructure, which many companies have set in their system.

  1. PHP

PHP is another popular option; it’s an open source, server-side scripting language. In fact, PHP have powered millions of websites across the world, including high-profile sites such as Facebook and Wikipedia. Moreover, PHP is a language that is so popular that is used extensively in WordPress.

Over the years, PHP’s popularity has increased and there are no signs that this demand will slow down. That is why many companies will offer high salary for getting a good PHP talent.

  1. Java

Java is one of the oldest language programs that are favorable among developers. Because it is relatively easy and versatile, Java has become an attractive proposition for corporations and developers. Besides, it has many users, many existing applications and such a vast ecosystem.

Furthermore, Java is a stable language which makes the job market shows sustained hunger for developers in this field.

  1. JavaScript

Another language program that has gained everlasting popularity is JavaScript. It’s a versatile, object-orientated programming language that is built into most major browsers, including Firefox and Safari. Even though, JavaScript has been around for years but it can manage to hold its own against the existence of so many new languages. In fact, many regard it as one of the need –to-know language to help further a career. With so many developers have acquired this language, you need to double your work to stand out from the crowd.

The Most Effective Ways to Respond to Negative Reviews

The most effective ways to respond to negative reviews - YWF

Online review is one of the most important factors that can help your online business reach more trust or vice versa. This is because 84% of consumers trust an online review as much as they would a personal referral. This makes good reviews are welcome and bad reviews are feared by the business owners. Actually, bad reviews do not always have to be bad; in fact, it can be good things if you know how to utilize it. Below are some of the tips that can guide you to turn bad reviews into good opportunity. If you are online entrepreneur or web developer, you might need these tips.

Stay Positive
No one wants to get attacked by a customer, but no one can avoid themselves from negative review. So, what is the best way to cope with this negative review? First of all, do not attack your reviewer. In fact, approach all of the negative reviews with a calm, positive attitude. By performing this behavior, you let customer know that you’ve heard their concerns, without even pointing fingers on them.

The point is not to make your customers feel like the victim, even if you’re not wrong. Furthermore, don’t ignore the review as it will show that your business cares about its customers.

Offer a Solution
When something bad happens, simply offering an apology to your customer won’t do. Your customers want a solution to their problem. Therefore, you need to explain through your respond how you will fix the problem.

Reiterate Your Company’s Policies
Ordinary people will worry a lot on negative comments and they will try their best to avoid that kind of comment. But, wise people know that it is impossible to make everyone happy. So, the only way to conquer negative comments is by turn the bad comments into the positive ones. For example, you can respond by saying, “We’re sorry you had a poor experience. We’ve been doing business for several years and most of our customers leave happy. We’re sorry we didn’t meet your expectations this time around.”

Take the Conversation Offline
Since your negative reviews will be read by many people, so you need to respond immediately on the same platform. However, some things can’t be addressed online; for example, your customer’s personal information should be discussed in private or over the phone. Therefore, you need to provide a direct contact for your customers when addressing these types of negative reviews.

Ask for an Update
Don’t hesitate to ask for an updated review after you solved the problem. So, once you’ve solved the customer’s issue, politely ask them if they’ll update the review online. You can ask them politely, such as “we appreciate your feedback, and would like other customers to know how we’ve solved your issue. Would you mind updating your review to reflect this?” Then, make sure that you thank them for their feedback.

5 ways for Creating Better, Faster and More Optimized WordPress Websites

Creating better faster and more optimized wordpress websites

There are always new updates in WordPress, so that every developer should learn the latest optimization practices.  But, mostly seasoned developers focus on what they are good at. Then, neglect or don’t have time to learn the latest optimization practices. If you happen to be one among those kinds of web developers, you need to read the following tips. This article can help you create better, faster and more optimized WordPress sites.

  1. Switching Hosts Isn’t Always a Quick Fix

If you think that switching hosts will automatically fix certain problems, you may need to reconsider your opinion. In fact, you still experience some code issues or compatibility problems with specific plugins even though you have changed your host. A managed host will provide as much assistance as they can, but won’t debug an issue with a bad plugin or code for you. Therefore, you need a WordPress developer to dig into it and make a determination as to what the issue is. In fact, to solve these problems, many hosts provide third-party partners and developers.

  1. Don’t Try Editing Your Code

To avoid WordPress sites go down, you need to make sure that no one is editing a PHP file directly from the appearance editor in the dashboard. But, how? You can use the following code in your wp-config.php file, removing the edit_themes, edit_plugins, and edit_files capabilities for all users. This method will prevent users to hack away at the code and break the site.

define(‘DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT’, true);

Take this process one step further to update themes or install plugins and remove the functionality for clients to update. Place the following code in your wp-config.php file to restrict these capabilities.

define(‘DISALLOW_FILE_MODS’, true);

  1. Don’t Cut Corners on Your Themes and Plugins

WordPress might be the foundation of your site, but the themes and plugins are also important elements. Therefore, you need to choose your plugins carefully. Do a little research and look for its ratings and reviews beforehand.

Recent research even shows that nearly 50% of the plugins in the repository haven’t been updated in over 2 years. This makes these themes and plugins are easy to get infected with malware. Another thing to be on the lookout for is a bundled plugin that should be updated. This surely will cause a huge problem for WordPress users who buy things via online marketplace. On the other hand, this method will open a wide chance for hackers and site owners are extremely vulnerable.

  1. Watch Your Admin AJAX Calls

Inspect any plugins that may utilize AJAX, for instance, the WordPress Heartbeat API uses /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php to run AJAX calls from the web-browser. Mostly these kind of files occurs during  traffic spikes, CPU load, and can bring your site to a crawl.

If you find there are 3rd party plugins that utilize admin-ajax.php, make sure that everything runs in the correct way. Besides, you can figure out what plugins might be causing it by looking at the HTTP POST request action and quickly determine, based on its name. However, AJAX does load after the page loads.  So, this is not always a bad thing to see this in a speed test.

  1. Ensure PHP 7/HHVM Compatibility Before Jumping on Board

Nothing can beat PHP7 and HHVM when it comes to boosting WordPress performance. But, before you are tempted to use these programs, you need to make sure that your site is compatible with the program. This means before you are upgrading from PHP 5.6 to 7, you need to test all functionalities of your WordPress site in a staging environment or locally to ensure there aren’t any compatibility issues.