3 Social Media Strategies to Enhance your Marketing by Turning Your Followers into a Loyal Brand Followers


Social media marketing is necessary in every business today; it is usually aimed for inviting more followers which hopefully will end as loyal customers but few of marketers can really turn followers into loyal customers, if you are one of them or you need to know more about social media strategies to enhance your SEO service, you can learn how to turn followers into customers by following several ways below.

  1. Create Personal Messaging

Many marketers think that buyer personas and segmentation is not too important when it comes to social media, since many of them are sending the same tweet out to 10,000 followers which surely will be difficult for marketers to make any personal engagement in the sea of followers.

If you like to turn your ordinary followers into serious buyers, you need to be more serious about their thoughts, needs, desires, and interests of segments of your social audience and remember everyone is unique, so their thoughts, needs, desires, and interest of segments will be different one and another. Then you need to use paid promotion to target specific demographics with your most powerful content.

  1. Send The Right Message To The Right Platform

Since every social media is created to serve different purposes, so your approach should be differentiated from one platform to another platform. Moreover, you also need to know how your audience responds on different platform. The recent research has found that Pinterest, Instagram, and Facebook are mostly liked by women while Twitter and Google+ are used mostly by men.

  1. Using Google Adwords to Enhance Your Organic Strategies

Every digital marketer knows that organic search-engine optimization is an effort that can cover all your needs. However, at some points, you need extra work, such as paying for a spike in traffic which can be done through pay-per-click strategy to get instant result, since as we know organic search engine optimization will need quite a long time before it can show you a real result, but the positive point is that organic search-engine optimization is free, so, you don’t need to think about any cost which is caused by organic search-engine optimization while in Google Adwords, you will need to advertise near specific searches of keywords and you’ll only pay if someone clicks on your ad.

The Complete Guide to Proper JavaScript Usage with WordPress

The complete guide to proper Javascript Usage With WordPress

WordPress has become one of the most popular blogging platforms and content management systems worldwide, therefore, in web development, JavaScript is necessary to be learnt about and as a web developer, you need to learn a bit deeper about JavaScript, like how to enqueue JavaScript files inside our pages and how to pass translatable data to the JavaScript code. Check this out!

  • The Right Way to Use JavaScript with WordPress

There are two main problems while using JavaScript in WordPress Projects, duplicate code on the same page and problems with translation. But don’t worry we have the solutions for both of the problems, for the first problem you can simply “registering  and “enquequeing” the JS files with the two core functions of WordPress: wp_register_script() and wp_enqueue_script(). The second problem’s solution is easier than the first problem: The core wp_localize_script()function allows you to pass translatable data into your JS code.

  • Registering JavaScript Files

The first step is to “register” them before you can “enqueque” the JavaScript files. And that’s done simply using a function called wp_register_script():

<?php wp_register_script( $name, $url, $dependencies, $version, $load_in_footer ); ?>

Some notes on the parameters:

  • Name (required, string): You can choose any name that you want for the name of the script, providing that’s not used by another script.
  • URl (required, string): The URL of the script.
  • Dependencies (optional, array): The name(s) of other scripts that our script depends on. For example, if your script depends on jQuery , it will need to be loaded after jQuery. In this case, you should use array( ‘jquery’ ) for this parameter.
  • Version (optional, string): its version number for your script. There are three options are provided, you can choose between providing a string, setting the parameter to or leaving it empty. If you set it to string, that’s going to be added to the output code like my-script.js?ver=1.2. If you leave the parameter empty, the version of your WordPress installation will be added as the version number. If you set it to null , nothing will be added.
  • Load in Footer (optional, Boolean): When you enqueue this registered script, it will be loaded in the <head> But if you set this parameter to true , it will be loaded right before the closing <body> tag.

Moreover, scripts which are already registered by the core or other plugins with the wp_deregister_script()function can also be “deregistered”. It only accepts a ‘name’ parameter, which you provide the name of the script to be “deregistered”.

  • Enqueueing JavaScript Files

You can register a script but that doesn’t mean that it’s going to be loaded automatically. After registering your scripts, you should “enqueue” them with the wp_enqueue_script()function:

<?php wp_enqueue_script( $name, $url, $dependencies, $version, $load_in_footer ); ?>

Some notes on the parameters:

  • Name (required, string): The name of the script.
  • URL (optional, string): The URL of the script. As you can see, you can just provide the name and you’re good to go because if you already registered the script, this time the URL parameter is optional. But if you didn’t register your script, you must provide a URL for this parameter.
  • Dependencies (optional, string): The version number of script.
  • Load in footer (optional, Boolean): The script will be loaded right before <body>

You can also “dequeue” scripts with the wp_dequeue_script() function.  Moreover, it only accepts a ‘name’parameter, similar to the wp_deregister_script()function.

Hooks to Enqueue Your Scripts

Apply the hooks below as the right way to enqueue your scripts:

  • Wp_enqueue_scripts-This one enqueues scripts in the front end of your website.
  • login_enqueue_scripts –This one enqueues scripts in your login screen.
  • Admin_enqueue – This one enqueues scripts in the back end of your website.







function my_scripts_loader() {

wp_enqueue_script( ‘my-js’, ‘filename.js’, false );


add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘my_scripts_loader’ );


You musn’t use the hooks named, due to compatibility issues:

admin_print_scripts or admin_print_styles.

Passing Translatable Data Inside JavaScript

Since so many people  doesn’t know the neat little function called wp_localize_script()uJavascript is always a problem with WordPress when it comes to localization:















$l10n_data = array(

‘nextItem’ => __( ‘Next’, ‘my-script’ ),

‘prevItem’ => __( ‘Previous’, ‘my-script’ ),

‘imageTitle’ => __( ‘Image %d of %d’, ‘my-script’ )




‘name-of-the-script’, // (required) the name of the script, ‘my-script’ for example

‘nameOfTheObject’, // (required) the name of the script, ‘my-script’ for example

$l10n_data // (required) the data to be passed, which can be translatable with the __() function



You can pass the localized variable in your script after registering, enqueueing and localizing the script by using the name of the object and names of the data, like alert( nameOfTheObject.prevItem );

Why Real Time Search Algorithm Updates May be Bad News

bad news

Have you ever wondered what updates will come after Panda, Penguin, and many others? Don’t you worry, recently Google has released real time search algorithm updates which mean no need for searching any name for any update anymore, but on the other side this real-time update will surely make the job of any SEO services will become harder. So, what kind of problem will arise due to this real time search algorithm updates?

  • Troubleshooting Algorithmic Penalties

There are two types of penalties done by Google, algorithmic penalties and manual actions. Algorithmic penalties are a lot more difficult to troubleshoot than manual actions since in manual action, Google informs you of the penalty via the Google Search Console, giving webmasters the ability to address the issues that are negatively impacting their sites. This works oppositely with algorithmic penalty since you will never know if there are any problem exists.

So, how can you know if your web gets any algorithmic penalty? Well, the easiest way to figure it out is to match a decrement in your traffic with the dates of known algorithm updates or you can also determine if there is any algorithmic penalty by seeing if a site ranks high in maps but poorly for organic of different phrases.

  • Lead to Misdiagnosis and Confusion

What makes it is difficult and confusing is the fact that Google’s crawlers don’t crawl pages at the same frequency. So even if you’re keeping a detailed a timeline of website changes or actions, you still have a big chance from getting affected by algorithm update since there could be many other issues with the server or website changes that you may not be aware of that cause it is difficult for not to misdiagnosis of penalties. In fact, some SEO companies who try to take some actions like disavow their files to make a better link building may do more harm than good.

  • Negative SEO

With real time updates, you will need more time and effort to analyze your link building, if your link building is healthy enough or not. If it is not, then it is time for you to remove them.