The Easy Way to Mass Find & Replace WordPress Databases

The Easy Way to Mass Find & Replace WordPress Databases

Web developers who have an experience with changing WordPress url address would know that after migrating the database, URLs inside of it will still refer to the old site. However, WordPress is widely known as a web platform that has a ton of plugins and therefore there are many tools that can assist you to import database easily. But, a tricky method is necessary for requiring the shortcut of changing every URL instance inside the database.

As it is described in the picture below that the old URL in the wp_options table, set as the value of the siteurl and home options, and it’s probably also embedded throughout several other rows and tables in the database. If you find this kind of old URLs may eventually prevent your site from running properly, then you need to change to the new URL, such as below:


In the image above, you will find that the site will simply lead to a blank page. Below is given a technique to change all these URLs in the database.

Leveraging WP-CLI

Leveraging WP-CLI is not the only way to change the URLs in the database, you can run an SQL query to replace it, but I find that leveraging WP-CLI is a handier alternative compare to SQL query which is a workable solution, yet at the same time, is not convenient to do. Assuming you have installed WP-CLI and have the wp command accessible as the alias, navigate to the directory where your WordPress site files reside.

Then, run the following command:

wp search-replace ‘’ ‘

The first parameter, ‘’, is the old entry to be replaced with the second one, ‘’.


Not only the post_content column and wp_options table but also all the tables within the database will be searched by the command line. Then, it will replace every instance of the entry passed through the parameters of the command, like it is explained by the above screenshot that a total of 225 have been made through a simple line of command.

Moreover, we can use the wp search-replace command, not only for replacing URLs, but also any piece of value stored in the database. The operation can also be limited into a certain table by passing the table name as the fourth parameter, as follows:

wp search-replace ‘.jpg’ ‘.webp’ wp_posts

Bear in mind that taking this action means you have to install the WP-CLI first and it will replace the image extension from .jpg to .webp.

Is Bootstrap a Better Framework?

Is Bootstrap a Better Framework

Nothing is more popular rather than bootstrap, since this framework will suit best for web designer who’s looking for a sleek, simple and responsive front-end framework. In case, you are still new with this tool, you can read this little review and figure out if this is the one that you are looking for.

  • The Grid System

For most designers, grid system is the most noticeable part of a front end framework since with grid system, designers are able to prototype various layouts and then make any necessary adjustments as they see fit. In this part, Bootstrap has provided frameworks which are responsive and flesh out for mobile approach. This makes bootstrap excellent compared with other frameworks.

Talking about flexibility and pre-defined grids, Bootstrap provides a default grid system that’s totally in your hands to customize with Less and Sass, respectively. Moreover, it will give you static-sized widths that’ll subside when the viewport is at its limit.

  • Features

If you are looking for a complete and well thought out features, Bootstrap can be a good choice. Moreover, from the standpoint of designers, the features that come pre-built with Bootstrap are much more conducive to efficiently getting designers up and running with their objective of building a functional website with a theme which makes Bootstrap becomes the first choice. Another features in Bootstrap is that it is also responsive embeds which makes it a cinch to now incorporate responsiveness to different elements.

  • Browser Support and Performance

If some frameworks may have difficulties in some browsers, like internet explorer 8, but not with Bootstrap, browser support and performance are both very good. So, if you still want to enjoy using internet explorer 8, it is a wise idea to stay with Internet explorer 8.

In fact, nothing can beat bootstrap in terms of having a large selection of themes and choice in the form of plugins and widgets.

The 4 Principles of Link Building

link building

No one will argue about the importance of link building, a good amount of link building will help your SEO. So, have you checked your link building quality? There are 4 guiding principles of link building that can be applied in your SEO service.

  1. Ask Yourself, “Am I Worth Linking to?”

The first principle that makes people come into your shop is that because they sell you something that they want to buy and it works the same with your website, never expect inbound links if your website has nothing of worth to say. Before you obsess about the number of back links, get back to basics and ensure your website is worth linking to. While that means a well-structured, easy-to-navigate site, with sufficient internal linking and good coding, it primarily means quality content. Tell people who you are, what you do, how they can buy from you/sign up to you/ join you; then tell them again! And tell them with well-written, grammatically correct, interesting content.

  1. Don’t Sit Back on Your Laurels

Having a great place to link to you is not enough; you have to regularly update that content to ensure people continue to link to you, and to keep attracting new links. Become an actively participating member of your community or industry by updating product information, posting comments and viewpoints on your industry, publishing press releases or white papers – however you do it, keep doing to.

  1. Be a Link Friendly Site

Be clear about your desire for quality inbound links by considering creating a ‘link to us’ page, explaining the sort of companies /websites who have some interests in liking you, and how they can do it such as which URLs and anchor text they can use. To feature a good spread of anchor text possibilities, you should keep this page updated.

  1. A Good Link Building Should Base on Merit

You can use the old school approach as you start searching for quality links. Remember to always use relevant keywords to your business and search for related websites. Then filter your findings until you get the most relevant and those with the best Google PageRank. Moreover, since nothing can work best in producing link building instead of having merit for your site, so you better have merit for theirs. You have to rely on one part marketing, two parts public relations, and three parts common sense to build a good link building.