5 Trends Predicted Will Transform Social Media in 2017


Those who usually work with social media and SEO services have already known that social media is going to be big. As people come up with more innovative types of content and methods of sharing them, some keep wondering what trends will dominate social media in the next year. Hence, there are 5 trends predicted will transform social media in 2017. Here are the big 5.

Social Networking Use Has Shot Up in Past Decade
In the past decade, social networking has experienced a meteoric rise. In fact, it will grow even further in the upcoming years. This makes sense since humans are social creatures. In fact, social media has been a great media to channel a desire to stay connected to others. With social media, today distances are no longer a problem. The number of social media users will grow at 8% in 2017 to a heady 2.39 billion people.

Employees Turn into Beacons for Their Brand
You can use social media to help you get more connected to your employees. In fact, brands have now started turning to employees as brand ambassadors to further their brand image. In other words, using employee social advocacy programs has grown about 191% since 2013.

It integrates elements that already have a connected audience rather than increase social reach through scaling. When you pull this off correctly, it can be much more effective at enticing engagement. So, you can consider utilizing tools like Social Toaster to turn your team into a passionate group of social advocates.

‘Real’ Real-Time Engagement
Since users expect that a brand needs to have a social team on their feed to answer questions and resolve issues. The existence of social media becomes terribly helpful. Social media can be a “real” real-time engagement. In a domino-effect, this has caused brands to start investing heavily into cross-functional social media teams that can keep abreast with the increasing number of client pings every day. Eventually, most brands will have shifted client service entirely to their own social media accounts.

Driving Decisions through Analytics

Now, social media is no longer used as a media for people to get connected. As through marketing aspects, social media is a great source for statistics analysis. In fact, social media analytics has gotten more powerful, comprehensive and easier to be used these days. You can find many popular social analytics tools which are free and can accommodate the needs of most SMBs, such as Buffer, Followerwonk, Iconsquare and many more.

Social Video Wins Again
Many online marketing experts have predicted that image and video will slowly replace text. Even tough, text will still be useful but image and videos will dominate. This is because Brands have evidence that video content is effective and over 76% of B2Bs use them to good effect.

PICASSO VS GLIDE (Advantage and disadvantage)


Currently, mobile developers keep looking for a new method to make image loading run faster. Today, we are going to see the difference between the two most popular image loader library, Picasso and Glide. Both of them may have their own advantage and disadvantage, even though they may look 90% similar. In fact, some resources said that Glide is Picasso-clone. Anyway in details, it is quite different. Especially in several ways below:

Import to Project

dependencies {
 compile ‘com.squareup.picasso:picasso:2.5.1’



dependencies {   
compile ‘com.github.bumptech.glide:glide:3.5.2’   
compile ‘com.android.support:support-v4:22.0.0’


Glide also requires Android Support Library v4, so bear in mind to import support-v4 to your project like above as well. Frankly, you basically need Android Support Library v4 in every single new-age Android project, so it should not be kind of problem for you.

Image’s Quality in Details

The image’s quality between the two may not be too different, but Picasso is better known that is has better image quality. As you can see on the images below, Glide has some hard pixels and is not as smooth as the Picasso one and it is difficult to find the straight way to change image resizing algorithm.


Disk Caching

In terms of default disk caching concept, Picasso and Glide are quite different. In the experiment below, the same Full HD image is loaded into ImageView with Picasso and Glide. When I checked the cache folder, it appears that Glide cached the ImageView-size (768×432 pixels) while Picasso cached the full size one (1920×1080 pixels).


If you see closer on the picture above, you will see the hard pixels described above is also there. In addition, if image is loaded in RGB565 mode, the cached image will be also in RGB565.

Moreover, other difference occurs when you try to adjust ImageView to the different sizes. Picasso will cache only single size of image, the full-size one while Glide acts differently, it caches separate file for each size of ImageView. You also need to download an image that has already been loaded if you need to load another size the same image before be resized to the right resolution and then be cached.

Anyway you could use this command to adjust its behavior by let Glide cache both the full-size image and the resized one.

.load(“http://nuuneoi.com/uploads/source/playstore/cover.jpg”)             .diskCacheStrategy(DiskCacheStrategy.ALL)            


The full-size image would be loaded from cache, resized and then cached, the next time image is requested to show on any ImageView. Due to this, Glide can load and show image faster than Picasso, while Picasso may take longer time to load images since it needs to be resized first before it is set to an ImageView.


Compared to Picasso,  Glide also has an ability to load GIP animation to a simple ImageView which makes it more interesting. However, if you would like to use GIF, you should use it wisely, since it consumes quite a lot of memory. Glide is also able to decode any local video file to a still image.

Furthermore, you can configure the way image appears with an animator (R.animator) while Picasso could do only one animation, fading in.

3 Social Media Strategies to Enhance your Marketing by Turning Your Followers into a Loyal Brand Followers


Social media marketing is necessary in every business today; it is usually aimed for inviting more followers which hopefully will end as loyal customers but few of marketers can really turn followers into loyal customers, if you are one of them or you need to know more about social media strategies to enhance your SEO service, you can learn how to turn followers into customers by following several ways below.

  1. Create Personal Messaging

Many marketers think that buyer personas and segmentation is not too important when it comes to social media, since many of them are sending the same tweet out to 10,000 followers which surely will be difficult for marketers to make any personal engagement in the sea of followers.

If you like to turn your ordinary followers into serious buyers, you need to be more serious about their thoughts, needs, desires, and interests of segments of your social audience and remember everyone is unique, so their thoughts, needs, desires, and interest of segments will be different one and another. Then you need to use paid promotion to target specific demographics with your most powerful content.

  1. Send The Right Message To The Right Platform

Since every social media is created to serve different purposes, so your approach should be differentiated from one platform to another platform. Moreover, you also need to know how your audience responds on different platform. The recent research has found that Pinterest, Instagram, and Facebook are mostly liked by women while Twitter and Google+ are used mostly by men.

  1. Using Google Adwords to Enhance Your Organic Strategies

Every digital marketer knows that organic search-engine optimization is an effort that can cover all your needs. However, at some points, you need extra work, such as paying for a spike in traffic which can be done through pay-per-click strategy to get instant result, since as we know organic search engine optimization will need quite a long time before it can show you a real result, but the positive point is that organic search-engine optimization is free, so, you don’t need to think about any cost which is caused by organic search-engine optimization while in Google Adwords, you will need to advertise near specific searches of keywords and you’ll only pay if someone clicks on your ad.