5 Key Principles of User Centered Design

Centered Design

User-centered design (UCD) process outlines the phases throughout a design and development life-cycle all while focusing on gaining a deep understanding of who will be using the product. This method has been widely acknowledged among so many web designers nowadays. But, not many understand the key principles behind user centered design. Here are 3 basic principles of user centered design that you surely won’t miss it!

  1. Use Simple and Natural Dialogue

It is important to create a natural sequence dialogue between user and system. Therefore, provide no unnecessary information to the user. In fact, irrelevant information will add complexity to the dialogue and in the end confusing the user. Bear in mind to use plain English and should use the vocabulary of the intended audience. Hence, terminology should be defined so that the same term always has the same meaning

  1.  Provide Adequate Feedback

Your users should be confident that their actions will be successful. For example, you can display a progress or working indicator when your users waiting for completion. This indicator will give the user a confidence that the computer is still operating.

Moreover, you also have to provide several levels of interaction. To show feedback at a low-level, you should give confirmation which tell that a control have been operated successfully.

  1. Provide Adequate Navigation Mechanisms

Users should have enough relevant information about where they are. To produce this information, you should apply a meaningful and consistent mechanism for assigning titles to windows. Then, use range and location indicators such as scroll bars or page numbers. You can also create navigation map, overview, or history of areas visited. Make your users feel more convenient in navigating the different windows in your web. You can create routes to access for particular tasks to achieve this goal. Furthermore, you should create an “emergency exit”. This will enable your users to escape from any unwanted state without having to go through an extended dialogue. For instance, undo facility or cancel button.

  1. Present Information Clearly

Increase the user’s ability to discriminate between different items and groups of data. Arranging on-screen information by the use of spacing, boxes, and visual coding techniques. But, don’t burden users with lots of information or coding than is necessary when performing the task. To enhance learn ability, you should be consistent in presenting information and location across different windows.

  1. Reduce Errors

Guiding the user to find their correct path to accomplish their goal will reduce errors. Users’ responses should be constrained to avoid error where appropriate to the task. But not where this would limit the users’ reasonable choice in how to perform their tasks. Similarly, the system should validate data entry as near to the point of input as possible.

Moreover, you should also use plain language avoiding the use of codes, indicate precisely the problem. Then, you should suggest a solution in error messages. But, above all, avoid using words that would blame the users.

How to Discover Your Online Reputation

How to monitor your online reputation

Internet says everything and anything, no wonder that many people will search for lots of stuffs in the internet. If you are doing business whatever it is, oil company or SEO service maybe, you may wonder how it says about your company and its reputation and what people will find if they search for your company, since online reputation really plays an important role in determining your company success. Below are several ways that you can follow to monitor your online reputation.

Search for Yourself

The simplest way to figure out your online reputation is by searching for yourself and read through the first few pages of results. In fact, you can also keep an up to date spreadsheet with a list of links that are ranking for your name. Apparently, many tools, such as BrandYourself can be used to help organize and catalog this information. The potential downfall of this strategy is its repetitive nature.  The best way to monitor your online reputation would require some automation.


Another way to collect information about your online reputation is by using tools, for example IFTT, Hootsuite, and Google Alerts, to automate internet monitoring for mentions of you and your company’s name. In fact, there are many more software solutions like this, but one thing that you should know that this kind of tools may pick up a lot of innocuous or irrelevant data, so you may get a bunch of data which haven’t been filtered yet.

Defamation Monitoring

You can also try to do the defamation monitoring which works by crawling specific sites where negative content is likely to appear and automatically send alerts. Moreover, this software will notify your PR teams whenever a brand is negatively mentioned; it could also provide applications in the consumer market for professionals who want to avoid any harmful information about them online.