What is Google Tag Manager?

What is Google Tag manager

Nowadays, a lot of tools are given to help digital marketers perform better through a more eligible data. Some of the most popular one are Google analytics and Google tag manager; both of them offer many benefits which can also be used as a tool to analyze data. There is lot of explanations about Google analytics since it has been popular among many digital marketers and SEO services, so this time we will discuss about tag manager which is also amazing to be used while it may not as widespread as Google analytics. Therefore, if this tool hasn’t been familiar in your ear, you can read the brief explanation of Google tag manager below since we’ve outlined what it is and what advantages it can bring to you.

Google Tag Manager Defined

Google Tag manager is a free tool which works as marketers assistant to control digital marketing data by using code snippets on any website. It helps giving a report of conversion tracking, website analytics, retargeting, and many more tracking purposes. Google Tag Manager permits customization based on the user requirements, using the user’s own set of tools. It results in better integrations based on current work processes.

Moreover, It provides you with full control about how your tags fire and are defined. Therefore, tags management permits marketers to be able to manage tags easily onto the website. The elimination of that step in the process also eliminates cost and helps improve the website. In fact, making changes without IT or developer involvement is simple nowadays since the existence of Google Tag Manager.

Google Tag managers at some points have some similarities with Google analytics, and the main similarity between Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics lies in the use of codes. Both give users a code to be placed within the site for website tracking when they are signing up. Moreover, both of them use the data-layer to everything that gets passed through Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager where it contains different variables on the site.