Bootstrap 4 Alpha 6 Major Components in Flexbox


Alpha 6 has just launched and it becomes the biggest ships to date.  Hence, in this article we will describe its grid system and major components in flexbox. If you are web developers who are currently working on WordPress, this article is for you. Discover what’s new with Bootstrap 4 Alpha 6, here!

Embracing Flexbox
As bootstrap is now flexbox by default, you can control your grid system and core components and provide unparalleled flexibility. However, it may be dropping IE9 support yet brings significant improvements to component layout, alignment, and sizing.

If you have no idea about Flexbox, here are some benefits that you can have when applying Bootstrap 4:

  • No more HTML white space or broken table-style rendering
  • Auto margins for easy spacing
  • Automatic equal-width grid columns (e.g., two columns are automatically 50% wide)
  • Equal height and equal; width cards
  • Utility classes for easily changing display, direction, alignment, and more.
  • Justified navigation and button groups
  • Vertical and horizontal centering without hardcoding values with translate or margin

In fact, almost every component now takes advantage of flexbox. This is because less reliance on clearfix, more control over Dom, and visual order, and fewer bugs. Even, Carousels, a more complex component has used Flexbox in some areas.

Responsive Utilities and the Great Infix
Among so many advantages that Alpha 6 offered, they also made two important changes to their naming scheme.

  • First, we’ve dropped the –xs infix from our lowest (extra small) breakpoint. However, xs isn’t a responsive breakpoint just like sm, md, lg, and xl. This is because it doesn’t start applying styles at a min-width and up. It can be applied to everything as there’s no bounding @media query.
  • Second, to better articulate their property value pairings, we’ve renamed several classes. Instead of pull, we use float. You can start with the property name, instead of creating new names for the various flexbox properties.

Combine them together and you’ll get updated class, such as .col-6, .d-none, .float-right, .d-md-flex, .justify-content-end, and .text-lg-left. With these classes, you can have immense power and customization to folks building with Boothstrap.

More Grid Improvements
You will also have more grid improvements. By adding responsive auto sizing columns, more container padding options, and add any number of .col-* classes, the result will automatically be equal in width.

To remove gutters from grid rows and their columns, you can use the .no-gutters modifier.

Updated Navbar
If you find that the Alpha 5 navbar still needs more improvement, you’ll see that the Alpha 6 is done perfectly. The navbar has been rewritten and it provides better built-in responsive behaviors and improved layout customization.

Here are some of the lists of the updates:

  • The responsive navbar toggle, .navbar-toggler, has also been updated. The icon is once again a child element, .navbar-toggler-icon, for improved customization. It also includes easy modifiers for absolutely aligning it to the top right or top left.
  • Navbar navs no longer require the .nav base class. While it provided a starting point, these shared styles often got in the way of navbar behaviors. Now it’s just .navbar-nav and utilities for alignment.
  • Navbars are built with flexbox! Instead of floats, you’ll need flexbox and margin utilities.
  • The .navbar-toggleable classes are now applied to the .navbar instead of the .collapse within. This allows us to provide better responsive behavior with just one class change.

Is Bootstrap a Better Framework?

Is Bootstrap a Better Framework

Nothing is more popular rather than bootstrap, since this framework will suit best for web designer who’s looking for a sleek, simple and responsive front-end framework. In case, you are still new with this tool, you can read this little review and figure out if this is the one that you are looking for.

  • The Grid System

For most designers, grid system is the most noticeable part of a front end framework since with grid system, designers are able to prototype various layouts and then make any necessary adjustments as they see fit. In this part, Bootstrap has provided frameworks which are responsive and flesh out for mobile approach. This makes bootstrap excellent compared with other frameworks.

Talking about flexibility and pre-defined grids, Bootstrap provides a default grid system that’s totally in your hands to customize with Less and Sass, respectively. Moreover, it will give you static-sized widths that’ll subside when the viewport is at its limit.

  • Features

If you are looking for a complete and well thought out features, Bootstrap can be a good choice. Moreover, from the standpoint of designers, the features that come pre-built with Bootstrap are much more conducive to efficiently getting designers up and running with their objective of building a functional website with a theme which makes Bootstrap becomes the first choice. Another features in Bootstrap is that it is also responsive embeds which makes it a cinch to now incorporate responsiveness to different elements.

  • Browser Support and Performance

If some frameworks may have difficulties in some browsers, like internet explorer 8, but not with Bootstrap, browser support and performance are both very good. So, if you still want to enjoy using internet explorer 8, it is a wise idea to stay with Internet explorer 8.

In fact, nothing can beat bootstrap in terms of having a large selection of themes and choice in the form of plugins and widgets.