Why Blog Comments can Affect Your SEO Optimization

SEO optimization is job that requires deep analyze to solve the problem, therefore many ways are needed to complete the task. Even, small thing such as commenting can affect your SEO performance, if you never count in commenting as an important part of SEO service, you better change your mind as it actually can influence your SEO result.

There are a lot of reasons why someone removes comments; the most common one is that the blog owner wants to prevent Google from negatively impacting a site due to low quality comments. This is the same reasons many site owners state when removing other types of user generated content, such as forums or contributor articles.

But on the other hand, if it contains a good review, comment even can be more valuable than the actual content, especially in technical market areas. Take for example this article on a recent Google patent at SEO by the sea. In fact, poor quality comments can have a detrimental effect on a site, especially where Panda is concerned.

Comments are also related closely with “expertise, authoritativeness and trustworthiness” (E-A-T). So, if you are trying to remove comments from your site, it becomes harder for visitors to see the quality of your content. Since comments can be used to measure how trustworthy the content is, so removing comments will only lose a signal of E-A-T.

Another advantage is that comments are also a great media to show how popular a site is which will bring back users repeatedly and in the end being a good media to user engagement since it would stimulate more conversation.

Hence, you better think twice to remove your comments when you think it brings down the quality of the site. While low quality spam type of comments can reduce the quality, but don’t worry as with moderation it can increase the value of your site in Google’s eyes. But having good quality comments on your blog posts will provide more benefits, first providing value to your visitors while in the other side it also shows Google that those users are contributing as a “thriving community”.

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