Tag: javascript

  • 3 JavaScript Libraries to Look Up for in 2017

    For some web developers, JavaScript’s ecosystem can be fatigue. Especially this year where there is a lot of tooling and configuring is required. So, to make your work easier, we submit a list of 3 generic libraries/frameworks for front-end development. Vue.js If you haven’t put any attention on Vue.js before, now you have to keep…

  • How to Combine JavaScript & SEO with Isomorphic JS

    Like it or not, JavaScript is one of the most used programming languages. So, as web developers or SEO analysts, you need to know how JavaScript-based websites can offer you more benefits, especially if you’re building a new, large application that requires great SEO compatibility. Google VS. JavaScript Since last year, Google focuses mostly on…

  • Top JavaScript Frameworks in 2017

              The popularity of JavaScript in so many vibrant ecosystems of technologies, frameworks, and libraries is undoubtable. But, JavaScript comes in many features and many web developers are wondering where should you invest your time to get the most benefit? Which tech stacks are companies hiring for right now? Which ones…