Having Lawyers as Your Client? Here’s How You Will Please Them with Your Web Design for Their Law Firm

As a web designer, we meet different kinds of people from different kinds of professions as clients, including from law firms. A law firm is a business entity made by lawyers to provide legal services and take part in the practice of law. They represent legality, liability, and dependability. If you own a law firm, this can be tough when it comes to designing the website, but don’t worry; we’ve got tips to deal with it!

Law firms, like any other business entity, have clients and potential clients visiting their website to see if they are credible or trustworthy. For that reason, we have to excel in designing the website with these following tips:

Don’t Separate User-friendliness from Esthetics
A good website is the one that can combine “user-friendliness” and “esthetics.” A website that is not only easy to access, but also good-looking at once. You have to pay attention to the balance between usability and esthetics. If your website is easily accessible, make sure the design is not too plain, even if you are designing a strict law firm website. A website is somewhat your potential clients’ first impression; therefore, create a friendly user experience if you want to turn your potential clients into the real clients.

Navigation – Make it Simple
Your website’s navigation is the crucial part that has a big impact on your website’s result. For that reason, your website’s navigation will determine whether your website is a success or a failure. Remember, the main objective here is to create a user-friendly website. First, avoid creating overwhelming multiple navigation choices, as this will cause your visitors to skip the important parts of your website due to the too many choices.

Your main menu should be limited to no more than 7 menu choices. This way, your site’s visitors will not skip the important parts. Also, place the navigational menus in places that can reach visitors’ eyes easily, such as horizontal navigation across the top or vertical navigation down the left side. Simple navigation means more visitors to come.

Content – Brief and Understandable
Most of law firms’ “bad habit” is that they provide long written texts that can ruin their website’s look and efficiency. Your website content should not present long written texts. Too much content will only make visitors skip it and leave your website immediately. We recommend using strong headlines and subheadings to define your law firm as a whole; to make a point of what your law firm does. Make sure it gives the right and strong message to the visitors. You can also use bulleted or numbered lists, as they are easier for people to read and understand the majority of what your law firm does.

Remember, be concise and clear at the same time. Also, you can use graphics and videos to entertain your visitors without making them read any more text that will tire them out.

Color – Let Your Palette Communicate
Color has an important role for your law firm’s website. Color is a powerful form of communication that can represent your website’s value. It can attract your visitors’ reaction, change their way of thinking as well as actions. Here’s the overview of the “meaning” conveyed by some colors for your inspiration.

Color Positive Meaning Negative Meaning
Red Passionate, exciting, and courageous Defiant, aggressive, and urgent
Blue Trustworthy, loyal, and logical Cold, aloof, and unfriendly.
Green Faith, peaceful, and efficient Boring, stagnate, and bland
Black Sophisticated, formal, and elegant Evil, cold, and menacing
Grey Conservative, refined, and professional Boring, pessimist, and depressing
White Pure, safe, and truthful Plain, boring, and unfriendly
Brown Timeless, dependable, and earthy Materialistic, predictable, and humorless
Purple Creative, luxurious, and wealthy Inferior, gloomy, and suppressive


Law firms represent truth, loyalty, courage and formality. The combination of black and grey will be suitable to present your law firm.

Typography – For a Readable Text
Typography is not always about making the text look beautiful; it is the art of making things readable but also attractive at the same time. Even though law firms don’t always rely on attractiveness, making an exception is a good step towards a great website. The best result of typography depends on how you arrange the use of words, color, and graphics.

The first thing you have to pay attention is the font; don’t over use fonts. Keep your typeface consistent to make it readable. Also, you should be consistent in applying the heading size, font, and attributes. Once you choose the typeface, size and color, keep it that way and don’t change it.

That’s all the tips you need to know to design your law firm’s website. Remember, keep it simple and understandable. Your law firm should not explain too much details on the website as it can ruin your website’s practicality. Make it conservative but concise. That way, you can create the best quality law firm website that can attract many visitors and turn them into your real clients in the future.

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