The Most Engaging Types of Digital Marketing Content Your Audience Will Absolutely Love

When you are in a happy relationship, the problem is not about if your partner loves you or not. It is more about whether your relationship will stay that way or end quickly. Sometimes we can get something so easily, but preserving the value is another story. The real example I can give you is; a trend. It is so easy for a popular product to be the hype in the industry, but so quick to disappear once another new hyped up trend comes in. It is easy to spend money for shopping, but it is hard to manage it. As a person who works at a creative agency that provides web design, web development and SEO services as well as other services that can help clients’ business grow, my hardest challenge of keeping up my good work is how to keep audience interested in my content so that my clients will find more new customers as well. That being said, with our team’s hard work, we have succeeded in keeping our clients satisfied with our work by using more engaging types of digital marketing content that will keep audience entertained and of course they will absolutely love it. How? Keep reading to find out!

Videos and motion graphics

Be honest with me, when you see some content, which one would you prefer; video or text? I absolutely love videos and motion graphics and I’m pretty sure many people would choose videos over text. However, there is one thing you should understand when it comes to having video as content; the way you engage with viewers in that videos or motion graphics. I always go to YouTube to watch videos about life-changing lifestyle tips, but I don’t like the type of video where a man or a woman just talking about some tips in the video without including tools or aspects that can engage and interact with viewers. I always love watching content from Improvement Pill on YouTube. Instead of flat out talking about tips, they use graphic motion and great animation to boost the explanation and turn it into entertaining education. Sure you can still use the usual real-person video, but make sure you add fun stuff in it.

Infographics and social media micronarratives

Static content is a powerful tool for capturing and keeping audiences’ attention. On social media, share small snippets of information like fascinating graphs, for example, that can stand alone in posts. Using mini-infographics can also drive traffic to full-length infographics living on your site or blog.

Interactive infographics

According to Demand Metric, interactive content can boost a 70-percent conversion rate. That’s because interactive infographics, widgets, landing pages and more can help viewer personalise content for themselves. BuzzFeed’s famous quizzes are the good example for that. I for one am fond of their fun quizzes. I love it when I visit an online shopping website with features like interactive infographics or quiz because it is more effective to help me know useful things about myself and find what kind of products that are suitable for me.

Even though there is nothing wrong with using text for content, too much of it can make the content dull and lifeless. Engaging types of digital marketing content like those I have mentioned above can help you communicate better with your target audience as well as boost their interest in buying your products or hiring your services.

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