5 Things Instagram Can Do For Your Service-Based Business

Mostly people relate instagram as a media for photo sharing, but not many people know that it can be the most powerful social media tool for your business, while in fact, it can. But, because of it focuses on visual content, especially images, the problem comes when your business is not photogenic. Let’s say you run a service which is better heard than seen, for example SEO services, does it mean you cannot use instagram as part of your promotion campaign? Don’t worry because we provide you with some solution here.

Offer Up Tips

Visual content is the way out for your service skills, when you have nothing to show for. In fact, with a strong visual mixed, text can produce valuable social content that your followers will like it.

Show Your Service in Action

Because of no visual product that you can display, so why don’t you show the result of your service? HR block is a good example for this one. The tax preparation company may not have an interesting thing in their office, such stacks of paper everywhere is not fun at all in camera, but they do a great job of showing off what your tax return can do for you.

Check Your Calendar

Make a big day or major events as your main topic, for example, days that you should take into account are holidays, big sports games, anniversaries of famous birthdays, or those fun holidays that always exist every now and then in the internet.

Latch On to a Hashtag

Don’t underestimate the power of hashtag since one of the best ways to get the crowd’s attention is by exploring trending hashtags. It expresses to customers that you’re totally on the same wave length by posting something we can all relate to.

Show What Happens Behind the Scenes

The idea is to get the interesting side related to your work, so if your crew and office is part of the interesting things, why don’t you show it, in fact it may be the main selling point beside your service skills. Moreover, a crowd of pleasing employee can remind your clients that they’re due back for a visit.

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